Get Involved I am funding this trip completely independently. Wild camping and eating cheaply will help to reduce my costs but, even so, unicycling around the world isn’t going to be cheap. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to become part of this world first, there are a few things that you can do to help. Kit Donation If your company sells outdoor gear or products that would benefit my trip, and you would like to help out this crazy unicyclist by donating equipment, please do get in touch. In return, your brand/gear will receive exposure through my regular blog posts before and during the trip. There are further ways that I can offer you value when you donate kit. For example, I can credit you within this website, feature your equipment within my videos and attend presentations and events to talk about my travels. Financial Sponsorship I am happy for any financial assistance that you can provide to help this trip. I can assure you that any donation that you make will be put to good use to help me become the first person to make it around the world on a unicycle. Again, if you are donating as a business, we can discuss your marketing aims. In return for financial sponsorship I can add your company’s logo or your name to my cycling jerseys, the unicycle or to my regular blogs and videos. Whatever ideas you have for offering financial sponsorship, please get in touch. A FEW POUNDS The button below enables you to donate to me directly. If you would like to contribute a few pounds to buy me a spare innertube or replacement gloves, you can do so by clicking the ‘Donate’ button below. It will take you through to my PayPal account where you can enter any amount you want. I will send you a personal thank you. Please note: This is NOT how to give to the charity I am supporting. If you would like to support School in a Bag, please head over to the Donate page. Offer me a bed The plan is to camp as much as possible. However, if you happen to live en route, or know somebody that does, I will be very grateful of a hot shower and warm bed for the night! Advice If you have any pointers to offer me on cycle touring, any advice regarding Visa application, cycling routes or any other information you think could help with this trip, please feel free to get in touch.
Get Involved I am funding this trip completely independently. Wild camping and eating cheaply will help to reduce my costs but, even so, unicycling around the world isn’t going to be cheap. Any help you can provide will be greatly appreciated. If you would like to become part of this world first, there are a few things that you can do to help. Kit Donation If your company sells outdoor gear or products that would benefit my trip, and you would like to help out this crazy unicyclist by donating equipment, please do get in touch. In return, your brand/gear will receive exposure through my regular blog posts before and during the trip. There are further ways that I can offer you value when you donate kit. For example, I can credit you within this website, feature your equipment within my videos and attend presentations and events to talk about my travels. Financial Sponsorship I am happy for any financial assistance that you can provide to help this trip. I can assure you that any donation that you make will be put to good use to help me become the first person to make it around the world on a unicycle. Again, if you are donating as a business, we can discuss your marketing aims. In return for financial sponsorship I can add your company’s logo or your name to my cycling jerseys, the unicycle or to my regular blogs and videos. Whatever ideas you have for offering financial sponsorship, please get in touch. A FEW POUNDS The button below enables you to donate to me directly. If you would like to contribute a few pounds to buy me a spare innertube or replacement gloves, you can do so by clicking the ‘Donate’ button below. It will take you through to my PayPal account where you can enter any amount you want. I will send you a personal thank you. Please note: This is NOT how to give to the charity I am supporting. If you would like to support School in a Bag, please head over to the Donate page. Offer me a bed The plan is to camp as much as possible. However, if you happen to live en route, or know somebody that does, I will be very grateful of a hot shower and warm bed for the night! Advice If you have any pointers to offer me on cycle touring, any advice regarding Visa application, cycling routes or any other information you think could help with this trip, please feel free to get in touch.